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Planet Code Check Digit
This selection allows you to specify whether the check digit should be
transmitted at the end of Planet Code data.
Default = Don’t Transmit.
Postnet Check Digit
This selection allows you to specify whether the check digit should be
transmitted at the end of Postnet data.
Default = Don’t Transmit.
Australian Post Interpretation
This option controls what interpretation is applied to customer fields in Aus-
tralian 4-State symbols.
Bar Output lists the bar patterns in “0123” format.
Numeric N Table causes that field to be interpreted as numeric data using
the N Table.
Alphanumeric C Table causes the field to be interpreted as alphanumeric
data using the C Table. Refer to the Australian Post Specification Tables.
Combination C and N Tables causes the field to be interpreted using
either the C or N Tables.
* Don’t Transmit Check Digit
Transmit Check Digit
* Don’t Transmit Check Digit
Transmit Check Digit