6 - 6
Move the cursor to the end
EA Move the cursor to the last character in the input message.
Syntax =
Search Commands
Search forward for a character
F8 Search the input message forward for “xx” character from the current
cursor position, leaving the cursor pointing to the “xx” character.
Syntax = F8xx
where xx stands for the search character’s hex value for
its ASCII code.
Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252) on page A-4
for decimal, hex and character codes.
Search backward for a character
F9 Search the input message backward for “xx” character from the current
cursor position, leaving the cursor pointing to the “xx” character.
Syntax = F9xx
where xx stands for the search character’s hex value for
its ASCII code.
Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252) on page A-4
for decimal, hex and character codes.
Search forward for a string
B0 Search forward for “s” string from the current cursor position, leaving
cursor pointing to “s” string. Syntax = B0nnnnS where nnnn is the string
length (up to 9999), and S consists of the ASCII hex value of each
character in the match string. For example, B0000454657374 will
search forward for the first occurrence of the 4 character string “Test.”
Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252) on page A-4
for decimal, hex and character codes.
Search backward for a string
B1 Search backward for “s” string from the current cursor position, leaving
cursor pointing to “s” string. Syntax = B1nnnnS where nnnn is the string
length (up to 9999), and S consists of the ASCII hex value of each
character in the match string. For example, B1000454657374 will
search backward for the first occurrence of the 4 character string “Test.”
Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252) on page A-4
for decimal, hex and character codes.
Search forward for a non-matching character
E6 Search the input message forward for the first non-“xx” character from
the current cursor position, leaving the cursor pointing to the non-“xx”
Syntax = E6xx
where xx stands for the search character’s
hex value for its ASCII code.
Refer to the ASCII Conversion Chart (Code Page 1252) on page A-4
for decimal, hex and character codes.