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NCR Scanner Scale Mode
Scan the NCR Scanner Scale Mode On bar code to select the NCR scanner/scale message format. (For more infor-
mation, refer to the NCR Scanner/Scale Programmer’s Guide.) Default = NCR Scanner Scale Mode Off.
NCR Scanner Scale Acknowledgment
After the scanner receives a command, the host may require a scanner/scale acknowledgment from the scanner.
When NCR Scanner Scale ACK On is selected, the scanner sends an NCR Scanner Scale acknowledgment in
the form <prefix><0x3x><0x30><suffix><BCC>. Turn on the NCR Scanner Scale ACK answer by scanning the
NCR Scanner Scale ACK On bar code below. To turn off the answer, scan NCR Scanner Scale ACK Off.
Default = NCR Scanner Scale ACK On.
NCR Special Function Mode
Scan the NCR Special Function Mode On bar code to select the NCR special function message format. (For more
information, refer to the NCR Scanner/Scale Programmer’s Guide.) Default = Off.
* NCR Scanner Scale Mode Off
NCR Scanner Scale Mode On
NCR Scanner Scale ACK Off
*NCR Scanner Scale ACK On
* NCR Special Function Mode
NCR Special Function Mode