8 - 2
Step 1 - Take a Picture Using IMGSNP
Image Snap - IMGSNP
An image is taken whenever the hardware button is pressed, or when the Image
Snap (IMGSNP) command is processed.
The image snap command has many different modifiers that can be used to
change the look of the image in memory. Modifiers always begin with numbers
and end with a letter (case insensitive). Any number of modifiers may be
appended to the IMGSNP command. For example, you can use the following
command to snap an image, increase the gain, and have the beeper sound
once the snap is complete:
IMGSNP Modifiers
P - Imaging Style
This sets the Image Snap style.
0P Decoding Style. This processing allows a few frames to be
taken until the exposure parameters are met. The last frame is
then available for further use.
1P Photo Style
This mimics a simple digital camera, and
results in a visually optimized image.
2P Manual Style. This is an advanced style that should only be
used by an experienced user. It allows you the most freedom to
set up the imager, and has no auto-exposure.
B - Beeper
Causes a beep to sound after an image is snapped.
0B No beep
1B Sounds a beep when the image is captured.
T - Wait for Trigger
Waits for a hardware button push before taking the image. This is only
available when using Photo Style (1P).
0T Takes image immediately
1T Waits for a button push, then takes the image