3 - 2
System Conditions
The components of the cordless system interact in specific ways as you associ-
ate an image scanner to a base, as you move an image scanner out of range,
bring an image scanner back in range, or swap image scanners between two
cordless systems. The following information explains the cordless system oper-
ating conditions.
Linking Process
Once an image scanner is placed into the base, the image scanner’s battery
charge status is checked, and software automatically detects the image scan-
ner and links it to the base depending on the selected link mode.
Image Scanner Is Out of Range
The cordless image scanner is in communication with its base, even when it is
not transmitting bar code data. Whenever the image scanner can’t communi-
cate with the base for a few seconds, it is out of range. If the image scanner is
out of range and you scan a bar code, the image scanner issues a triple beep
indicating no communication with the base. In addition, your image scanner
and base can sound an alarm if programmed to emit an alarm. Refer to "Out-
of-Range Alarm" on page 3-20.
Image Scanner Is Moved Back Into Range
The image scanner re-links if the image scanner or the base have been reset or
the image scanner comes back into range. If the image scanner re-links, you
will hear a single chirp when the re-linking process (uploading of the parameter
table) is complete.
Out of Range and Back into Range with Data Accumulation Mode
The image scanner may store a number of symbols (approximately 500 U.P.C.
symbols, others may vary) when out of range and then send them to the base
when back in range. You will not hear a communication error beep in this mode,
but you will hear a short buzz when you pull the trigger if the radio communica-
tion is not working. Once the radio connection is made, the image scanner pro-
duces a series of beeps while the data is being transferred to the base.