2 - 7
Parameter Description
cfgType Use SETUP_TYPE_CURRENT for the current settings, or SETUP_TYPE_DEFAULT for
the customer default settings.
item One of the members of the enumerated type ConfigItems_t. The valid values are:
BEEPER_CONFIG Returns beeper control settings for devices with audible
beepers. The settings include volume, beep on decode,
and beep on reset.
TRIGGER_CONFIG Returns values for all trigger timeouts and current
trigger mode.
DECODER_CONFIG Returns the decoder setup. This includes single
decode, multiple decodes, print weight, centered
decode, and aimer.
POWER_CONFIG Contains low power configuration settings: trigger
mode, low power timeout, low power imaging, LED
brightness, aimer LED settings, and system clock
VERSION_INFO Returns the SDK, imager firmware, and imager boot
code versions.
SYMBOLOGY_CONFIG Returns the enable and setup parameters for all
symbologies. Individual symbologies can be read by
calling hhpReadSymbologyConfig.
SERIAL_PORT_CONFIG If using a serial connection imager, this returns the
serial port setup parameters of the imager.
IMAGE_ACQUISITION Returns the current imager settings for capture mode,
manual exposure, manual gain, manual frame rate,
target white value, target window, aimer and
illumination duty cycle, and triggering mode (hardware
trigger dependent).
IMAGE_TRANSFER Returns the current image transfer protocols, such as
cropping window, pixel subsample, and transfer
SEQUENCE_CONFIG Returns the sequence mode enable/disable state and
the data sequence command string.
ALL_CONFIG All of the above except serial port config.
pStruct Pointer to the appropriate structure based on parameter “item:”
Reads the full imager configuration as a single stream of data into a buffer. The buffer contains all the configuration items in an
ASCII stream so that it can be written to a disk for storage. No interpretation is done on the data stream, therefore, the data
stream contains both read only, and read/write data.