Introduction Agency Approvals
8 FIRSTVISION™ Installation and Operation Manual - P/N: 53034:Rev: A2 10/29/07
1.2.3 Ordering Information
Please verify part numbers with your sales representative before and when you are ordering.
1.3 Agency Approvals
FIRSTVISION has been designed to comply with standards set forth by the following regulatory
agencies. Before proceeding, the installer should be familiar with the following documents:
NFPA Standards
• National Fire Protection Association Standards 72.
• National Electric Code (NFPA 70).
Underwriters Laboratories U.S. Documents
• UL-864 Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems.
Underwriters Laboratories Canada Documents
• CAN/ULC-S524-91 Standard for Installation of Fire Alarm Systems.
• CAN/ULC-S527-99 Standard for Control Units for Fire Alarm Systems.
• Requirements of the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction (LAHJ).
1.3.1 Environmental Conditions
FIRSTVISION must be installed in the following environmental conditions:
• Temperature range of 0ºC - 50ºC (32ºF - 120ºF).
• 10-95% humidity non-condensing at 30ºC (86ºF).
Part Number Description
FIRSTVISION-LCD Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
Improper installation, maintenance, and lack of routine testing could result in system malfunction.
It is recommended that the installer conform to local code requirements when installing all wiring. All
power connections must be non-resettable.