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Top Panel Features
Laser Aperture Window
The angled image engine or laser engine reads and decodes most popular bar code
symbologies and takes images like a digital camera (image engine only). For more information,
see Using the Image Engine on page 5-1.
Bottom Panel Features
DC Power Jack
The DC power jack receives external power from the Dolphin power cable that is included in
the box with the terminal. When connected to the Dolphin power cable, the terminal is powered
and the main battery pack is charging.
I/O Connector
The I/O mechanical connector is designed to work exclusively with Dolphin 6500 peripherals
and cables. This connector powers the terminal, charges the main battery, and facilitates
communication. This connector supports full speed USB 1.1 communication (up to 12 Mbps)
and RS-232 communications with a maximum speed of 115Kbps and seven baud rate
Through this connector, you can communicate with a host workstation via Microsoft
ActiveSync; see Connecting and Synchronizing the Terminal and Workstation on page 8-8.
The I/O connector supports the following signals:
• Transmitted Data
• Request To Send
• USB Host +5V
• USB Host D+
Imager or Laser Aperture Window
DC Power Jack
I/O Connector