8 - 8 Rev C
Dolphin® 7850 Mobile Computer
User’s Guide
Device Types
BTExplorer supports the following device types:
• Audio Devices
• Network Devices
• Phones
• Printers
• Computers
• OBEX Devices
By default, BTExplorer scans for Network Devices.
To change the, device type, tap on the arrow to the right of the heading on the left. The name of this
heading changes depending on what device type is selected; it can say “Filter” or “Bluetooth Devices.”
Select another device type in the list.
View Options
Discovered Devices appear with an icon indicating what type of device it is and the Device ID.
By default, the discovered devices screen appears in the Large icon view. The Details menu offers you
alternate view options. (When you select the Details menu, its name changes to “View.”)
Large Icons Displays large icons in the viewing area.
List Displays small icons in a one-column list.
Details Displays small icons in a list with two columns:
Remote Device Name The Device ID.
Device Address The MAC address.
Trusted The status of this device.
Trusted=The device is trusted.
False=The device is not trusted.