6 - 12
Anytime you stop a running program, it frees up volatile memory. Be advised that, when
you stop a program here, any unsaved data in that program is lost. To free up memory
without risking data loss, return to the running program, save your data, and close the
Find Link
Find searches for large files using storage memory. Clicking Find opens the Search program
with Larger than 64KB already selected in the Type field. Enter the search criteria and tap
Battery Tab
For more information about the terminal’s batteries, see Battery Power on page 3-11.
Advanced Tab Determines the amount of time that elapses before the terminal automatically goes into
suspend mode; see Suspend Mode on page 3-15.
You have the option of selecting time periods for both battery and external power.
On battery power Select the number of minutes of inactivity you want to pass before
the terminal goes into suspend mode when running on battery
On external power Select the number of minutes of inactivity you want to pass before
the terminal goes into suspend mode when running on external