Total Connect Online Help Guide
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Command and Text Message Format Text Message Reply
Arm system Away
[system abbreviation] a cccc p
If successful, you will receive an Armed Away status message that is time
and date stamped.
Arm System Stay
[system abbreviation] as cccc p
If successful, you will receive an Armed Stay status message that is time
and date stamped.
Bypass Zone
[system abbreviation] b cccc zzz
If successful, you will receive an Zone Bypassed status message that is
time and date stamped, along with general system status.
Bypass Zone (with optional partition
[system abbreviation] b cccc zzz p
(The use of the optional partition number
allows zones to be bypassed in partitions
other than the home partition.)
If successful, you will receive an Zone Bypassed
status message that is
time and date stamped, along with general system status.
Disarm system
[system abbreviation] d cccc p
If successful, you will receive an Disarmed status message that is time
and date stamped.
Turn programmed output on (or off)
[system abbreviation] o cccc xx on / off
Will receive a General Panel status message that is in relation to your
user code authority. This message is time and date stamped.
Status Request
[system abbreviation] s cccc
The current System Status message will be received. This includes;
Arming state, disarmed state, and troubles.
help, h, info, ?, i
For a registered phone, you will receive messages containing text
message Command Key and Format information. Additionally you will
receive website and email contact information, and information on how to
opt-out of remote services. Typical information is shown below:
SMS Remote Control Service, Powered By Honeywell Inc.
a=System Abbreviation
p=optional partition#
cccc=user code
For details log into you account at CMD
a A cccc p=Arm Away
a AS cccc p=Arm Stay
a B cccc zzz=Bypass zone zzz
a D cccc p=Disarm
a O cccc xx On/Off=Turn output xx on or off
a S cccc=Get Status
For further details contact your alarm dealer.
Text the word STOP to opt-out.
For an unregistered phone
, you will receive a message containing website
and email contact information.
stop, quit cancel, unsubscribe, terminate,
You will receive this message:
SMS Remote Control Service, Powered By Honeywell Inc.
for this cell phone has been terminated.
For further details contact your alarm dealer.