Diagnostics and Messages
7/99 9782 Series Conductivity/Resistivity Analyzer/Controller - Operator’s Manual 9-7
9.5.2 Output Tests
Use the procedure in Table 9-5 to test the relays and analog outputs.
Testing the analog outputs requires ammeters or voltmeters as appropriate.
While the unit is powered, a potentially lethal shock hazard exists inside the case. Do not open
the case while the unit is powered.
Do not access the output terminal as described below while the unit is powered. More than one
disconnect switch may be required to remove power.
Consider the effects on your process before testing relays with controlled devices active.
Table 9-5 Procedure for Testing Relays and Analog Outputs
Step Screen Action
Turn off the power to the Analyzer/Controller. More than
one switch may be required to remove the power.
With the power off open the case:
Grasp the bottom center portion of the front bezel and pull it
downward and toward you slightly to disengage the bottom of
the bezel from the edge of the case.
Lift the bezel gently to disengage it from the top edge of the
Swing the bezel to the left. (The bezel and display assembly
is mounted on pivot arms.) The safety cover with its warning
label will be visible.
With the power off remove the safety cover by removing the
single screw holding it in place.
Label and remove the field wiring connected to the analog
output terminals.
Feed the test wiring through the conduit hole in the case and
connect the appropriate type of meter to each of the analog
output terminals to be tested. Be sure to observe correct
Close the case and power up the unit. Do not connect power
until the case is closed.