
3 69-1513EF—01
d. Disoriented—Victims are often aware
they are not well, but are so disori-
ented, they are unable to save them-
selves by either exiting the home or
calling for assistance. (Young children
and household pets may be the first
What CO Alarm Can/Cannot Do
This alarm indicates the presence of carbon
monoxide gas at the sensor. Carbon
monoxide gas may be present in other
This alarm is not a substitute for other
combustible gas, fire or smoke alarms.
This CO alarm may not sense CO on a
different level or floor of a residence or
building; for example, a second floor alarm
may not sense a CO leak on the first floor or
in the basement:
Place alarms on every level of a resi-
dence as shown in Fig. 1.
This CO alarm may not be heard behind
closed or partly closed doors such as in
Place alarms in each bedroom and in the
hallway if bedroom doors are closed or partly
open at night; an alarm outside a door may
not awaken occupants.
CO Alarm does not measure in
compliance with Occupational Safety
and Health Association (OSHA)
commercial or industrial standards.
CO Alarm is for use only in indoor
family living units.
This alarm has not been investigated for
CO detection below 70 ppm.