Honeywell EC-P2 Instruction and Installation Manual
The unit may be zeroed without spanning it; however, never span the unit
without rst zeroing it.
The following procedure will calibrate the SMART-CELL.
To Enter ZERO / SPAN Mode
Push power button to turn unit on. Wait for power up sequence to finish 1.
(30 seconds).
Push and hold the unnamed button (second from left) first, then Push 2.
and hold the Menu button. Hold both buttons until the screen goes blank
(2 seconds). Release both buttons and the unit is now in Programming
Push the SENS button and the unit is now in the zero/span mode. 3.
Zero Calibration
Be sure the unit is in clean air or apply zero air for two minutes.4.
Push ZERO button.5.
Push SAVE button to save the new zero calibration.6.
Span Calibration
Push SPAN button.7.
Apply span gas for two minutes.8.
Push INC button (increase) or DEC button (decrease) until the display 9.
matches the span gas concentration.
Push SAVE button to store new span calibration.10.
To Exit ZERO / SPAN Mode
Push DONE button twice slowly to get back into normal operation mode.11.
3.4 Troubleshooting
The detector does not start: Check to see that a fresh battery is installed. Both
the primary and standby batteries must be discharged for this problem to occur.
Plug the charger into the Honeywell EC-P2 to charge the standby battery. Wait 10
minutes and retry.
The detector does not respond to the target gas: Verify the proper flow rate
using the supplied flowmeter. Perform calibration. If sensor won’t calibrate, the
SMART-CELL may be depleted. Contact Honeywell Analytics for a replacement
Pump alarm: This will occur if the pump motor stops or if an internal pressure
sensor detects blockage of the inlet. Check that the internal filter is not clogged or
wet and that the inlet tube is clear.