
Assigning zones and issuing room names 32
Example: Assigning an HCW 22 setpoint adjuster to
zone 1 32
Example: Assigning room name LIVING to zone 1 34
Assigning wireless setpoint adjuster HCU 30 to a
temperature zone 36
Assigning setpoint adjusters of type HCW 23 to a zone 37
Assigning room names for cooling function 37
Canceling assignment 38
Deleting assignment of a room name at the Hometronic
Manager 39
Saving settings on Hometronic Manager 40
Checking configuration 40
Checking wireless transmission 41
Checking assignment of room names 42
Displaying faults 42
Completing start-up 43
Resetting storey controller to state of delivery 44
Appendix 45
Glossary 45
Help with problems 46
Overview of Hometronic heating components 49
Zoning plan 50
Notes 52