IP Camera Web-Client
Video Codec Settings Tab
Figure 4-8 Video Codec Settings Tab Available Functions
Configuring the Compression Settings
1. On the Compression Settings tab, in the Statistics area, select the Received check
box to receive in real time the bit rate and frame rates for the current image.
Deselecting the check box disables the refresh rate.
Note The Received check box is disabled by default. When you log out, this check
box reverts to the disabled state.
2. Use Table 4-3 to set up the streaming resolution and Table 4-4 for the other
compression settings.
Set the Resolution
Set the Frame Rate
Set the Priority for Quality or Bit Rate
Set the Compression Ratio
Set the Target Bit Rate
Primary Stream Secondary Stream
Set the Maximum Bit Rate (kbps)
Set the GOP (Group of Pictures)
Default settings shown for NTSC models
Default settings shown for NTSC models
Table 4-3 Video Streaming Resolutions
Primary Stream Resolutions Secondary Stream Resolutions
1280 x 720
800 x 450
640 x 360
320 x 180
640 x 360
320 x 180
Table 4-4 Compression Settings
Setting Options Description
Frame Rate 1–30 (NTSC)
1–25 (PAL)
The frame rate that is displayed per second. For NTSC, select from 1 fps (lowest)
to 30 fps (highest). For PAL, select from 1 fps (lowest) to 25 fps (highest).
Priority Quality, Bit Rate Allows you to set the maximum bit rate and/or target rate value, based on priority
mode settings. This value is the threshold that you do not want the bit rate to