Installation Guide
69-2285EFS—03 8
Power Monitoring is a configuration that allows TrueSTEAM to only allow humidity to enter
the duct when it receives confirmation that the HVAC system transformer has power.
1. Using a thermostat with integrated humidity
control, such as VisionPRO IAQ or Prestige.
• Athermostatispoweredbythesystemtransformer,
be able to produce steam.
• Becausethethermostatknowswhenthesystem
so that it is not also looking for an R input from the
system R.
Ideal for Contractors Who
- Want simplified accessory wiring (TrueSTEAM only
needs to be connected to the HUM terminals from the control).
- Provide integrated system and accessory controls in the living space to their customers.
2. Using a humidistat SEPARATE from the
thermostat, such as H8908 or TrueIAQ.
• TrueSTEAMgenerallysuppliespowertoa
humidistat. It is important that TrueSTEAM monitor
HVAC system power to determine if humidity is
• LeaveDIP4intheDOWNposition(factory
TrueSTEAM R and C. TrueSTEAM will verify power
is present before allowing steam production.
Ideal for Contractors Who
- Use a humidity control separate from the thermostat system control.
Note: This image is not a complete wiring diagram.
It only depicts power monitoring.
Note: This image is not a complete wiring diagram.
It only depicts power monitoring.