IFS-2600 Installation & Programming Manual Page 9
P/N 10069 ECN08-0066
This supply's primary function is to power panel logic and all external operations of the FIP, i.e.: detection
circuits, ancillary circuits, etc. This supply meets the requirements of AS4428.5.
AC Input 30 VAC +10% - 15%
Output Current 3.0 AMPS
Output Voltage 26.5 VDC
Current Limit 3.0 AMPS
Output Ripple 50 mV
Its primary function is to charge the batteries. This supply meets the requirements of AS4428.5.
AC Input 30 VAC +10% -15%
Output Current 1.5 AMPS
Output Voltage 27.3 VDC
Current Limit 1.5 AMPS
Output Ripple 200 mV
Important Note:
After a power failure, the battery will only reconnect to the charger if the battery voltage is above approximately
20V +/- 2V.
A battery fault will be generated in the event that the battery does not automatically reconnect. This is to ensure
that a faulty or dead flat battery (due to an extended power failure) does not bring the entire system down.
In order to reconnect a flat battery, it is necessary to disconnect the battery from the panel and charge it
externally. The battery should be thoroughly tested before returning it to service.
In the event that an external charger is not available, the battery may be trickle charged above 22V via a 30
ohm, 5W resistor connected between the 24v Aux Output and the battery positive terminal. A 1N4004 Diode
(Notifier part number #286) or similar should also be fitted in series with the resistor to stop the battery from
pulling down the main panel voltage. Trickle charging the battery by this method may take several hours to
bring it up to the minimum level.
The battery can then be reconnected to the panel for charging via the internal battery charger. It is important
that the voltage on the battery be monitored to ensure that it is charging. The battery should then be left for 24
hours and then fully tested to ensure that no damage has occurred due to the deep discharge.
Internal 5VDC 2A Power Supply
This supply's primary function is to power all internal operations of the FIP, i.e.: Microprocessor, liquid crystal
display, LED's keypad etc.
AC Input 30 VAC +15% or 27.6VDC+15%
Output Current 2.0 AMPS
Output Voltage 5.0 VDC
Current Limit 2.0 AMPS
Output Ripple 150 mV