LYNXR-I Installation and Setup Guide
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Data Field Descriptions
Exit Delay
00-99 = exit delay time in seconds
The system will wait the time entered before sounding an
alarm if the exit door is left open after the system has been
UL installations: must be set for a maximum of 60 seconds
Entry Delay 01
00-99 = entry delay time in seconds.
The system will wait the time entered before sounding alarm upon
entering if system is not disarmed. UL installations: must be set for a
maximum of 45 seconds
Entry Delay 02
00-99 = entry delay time in seconds.
The system will wait the time entered before sounding alarm
upon entering.
UL installations: must be set for a maximum of 45 seconds
Audible Exit Warning/Quick Exit
Exit Warning Quick Exit
0 = no exit warning
0 = no quick
1 = provide exit
warning sound
when armed AWAY
1 = allow quick
Exit Warning: Sound consists of slow continuous beeps until
last 5 seconds, when it changes to fast beeps. The warning
sound will end at the termination of exit delay.
Quick Exit: If enabled, user can restart the exit delay time after
arming in STAY mode by entering the user code and pressing
the STAY key, or by pressing the STAY key if Quick Arm is
enabled. This avoids having the user disarm then re-arm the
system after allowing someone to enter or exit
Confirmation of Arming Ding
0 = no ding
1 = confirmation ding after arming system
2 = confirmation ding after arming from RF button or RF
keypad only
Confirmation of arming is provided by a 1/2 second external sounder
“ding” that sounds when closing report is sent, or at the end of exit delay.
If Option 2 is selected the external sounder “ding” occurs immediately
after the system receives the RF transmission.
Power Up In Previous State
0 = always power up in a disarmed state
1 = assume the system status prior to power-down
When the system powers up armed, an alarm will occur 1
minute after arming if a zone is faulted, and any bypassed
zones will be unbypassed.
Note: If the previous state was armed AWAY or STAY, the
system will not respond to sensor changes for 1 minute,
which allows time for sensors such as PIRs to stabilize.
UL installations: must be 1 (power up in previous state)
42: Enter up to the number of digits shown. Enter 0–9, # + 11 for ‘
# + 12 for ‘#’; # + 13 for a pause
(2 seconds)
NOTE: Whenever AAV is used, primary (field ✻41) and secondary (field ✻42) phone numbers should be preceded with the
call waiting disable command. Otherwise, there is the possibility of connection of the third party to LYNXR-I during
AAV mode.
PABX Access Code
Enter up to 6 digits if PABX is needed to access an
outside line.
If fewer than 6 digits need to be entered, exit by pressing [
To clear entries from field, press
Primary Phone No.
Enter up to 20 digits.
If fewer than 20 digits entered, exit by pressing [
]. To clear
entries from field, press
Note: Backup reporting (8 attempts are made to the secondary
phone number if no kissoff is received after 8 attempts to
the primary number) is automatic only if there is a
secondary phone number (field
Secondary Phone No.
Enter up to 24 digits.
If fewer than 24 digits entered, exit by pressing [
]. To clear
entries from field, press
. See backup reporting note for
41. If using the paging feature, enter the pager phone
number here.