Multi Database
Starting Admin
Fig. 14–2. Admin Icon on the Windows Desktop.
To S ta r t A dm i n
1. On your desktop, either:
• Click Start, point or click to: Programs, and then Rapid Eye Multi. Click Rapid Eye
Multi Admin.
• Double-click the desktop icon for Admin.
2. Then, either:
• See
Obtaining a Multi db, p. 232.
• Use a Multi db that is already available. Skip to p.
243 for section Logging On.
Obtaining a Multi db
To obtain a Multi db after starting Admin, you have the option of:
• Using the default, empty, Multi db. An empty Multi db comes with the software. It is used to
access a unit, out of the box. This is a simple way to get started.
• Switching to another Multi db. If you are given a Multi db prepared during the installation or at
some other time, see
Using Another Db: Converting, on p. 234.
• Creating an empty Multi db. See
Creating a Multi Db, below.
• Copying a Multi db. You can base a new MS-Access Multi db on an MS-SQL or MSDE, and vice
versa. See
Db Based On Another.
• Upgrading a Multi db. Multi SAs can use a Multi db from their older Multi system; see
Upgrading a Multi db on p. 241