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Remote Phone Control Feature
The LYNXR-Series is equipped with a remote interactive phone capability that permits access to the
security system from any off-site touch-tone telephone using all user codes. If this feature has been
programmed, the system will provide the appropriate voice messages and any system beeping sounds
indicating the status of the security system over the phone line. (Refer to Summary of Audible
Notification for further information.) The following functions can be performed from any remote touch-
tone telephone:
• Disarm the system.
• Arm the system in STAY or AWAY mode.
• Activate or deactivate X10 devices.
• Bypass zones.
• Check system status.
The remote access session will be aborted if:
• A report must be sent.
• Any local or wireless key entry (e.g. 5827), except [*], is made.
• User Code is not entered within eight (8) seconds of call pickup (during the “system…..system
• No keys are depressed for a period of 15 seconds and while no announcement has been made by the
system. Any remote key entry will, however extend this timeout back to 15 seconds.
It will not be possible to begin a remote access session if:
• A report must be sent
• The system is in any Test mode.
• During real time clock setting.
• During scheduling setup.
• Panel is in shutdown mode (programmed by your installer).
• Panel is in Macro learning mode.
• Remote phone control feature has not been enabled by your installer.
NOTE: If a remote phone session is not granted by the system, for any of the reasons identified above, a modem
tone will be generated before the end of the session.
Using Remote Phone Control Feature
Dial the controls’s phone number. If no answering machine is present, the control will pick up between
1 and 14 rings, depending on the number programmed by your installer and will periodically announce
ENTER CODE”. During a remote phone control session “PC” will be displayed on the
(within eight seconds)
Your user code
The system status will be announced. Enter phone control commands as described on the next page:
If an answering machine is on the premises, you need to dial the premises and hang up on the first
ring. Wait at least five (5) seconds (but no more than 22 seconds) and dial the premises phone number
again. The control will pick up and periodically announce “SYSTEM”.
(1) All voice announcements on the phone line will
also be announced on the local speaker, unless
the system has been placed in the mute mode.
(2) Entry/Exit beeps will be terminated if you
enter the remote phone access mode.