MicroDock II
a Warning
To ensure personal safety, read Safety Information - Read
First before using the MicroDock II base station.
The MicroDock II Automatic Test and Calibration Station (“the
base station”) provides automated calibration and bump testing
for the GasAlert Extreme, GasAlertClip Extreme, GasAlertMi-
cro, GasAlertMicro 5/PID/IR, GasAlertMicroClip, and GasAlert-
Max XT detectors. The system is expandable to include up to
10 docking modules (maximum six charging docking modules
plus four non-charging docking modules.
Safety Information - Read First
Use the station only as specified in this guide. Read the follow-
ing Cautions before using the station.
• If the base station is damaged or parts are missing,
contact BW Technologies by Honeywell
• This equipment uses potentially harmful gas for
calibration. Use in a well-ventilated area only.
a Cautions
• The base station must be attached to a venting system or
the base station must be used in a well-ventilated area.
• Do not immerse the station in liquids.
• The maximum recommended exhaust line length is
15.24 m (50 ft.).
• Ensure that the inlet filter is clean.
• Ensure that all gas cylinders contain enough gas.
• A demand flow regulator must be used with all gas
cylinder connections.
• Calibrate and bump test only in a safe area that is free
of hazardous gas.
• Do not expose the station to electrical shock or severe
continuous mechanical shock.
• The base station warranty will be void if the unit is
disassembled, adjusted, or serviced by non-BW
Technologies by Honeywell personnel.
• Ensure the exhaust line is not connected to a negative
pressure system.