CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO.: 060-4199-180 REV: G SHEET 55 of 68
Reprogramming the EGPWS Configuration Module is accomplished similar to the programming process above.
Prior to reprogramming, the desired new configuration should be determined based on the MK VI, MK VIII, or MK
XXII Interface Design Guide (IDG) document referenced in Section 1.3.
For reprogramming the Configuration Module, the following procedure is used:
1. Verify EGPWC interface to P2 connector (including Configuration Module) and RS-232 interface to PC.
2. Power EGPWC and PC and start WinVIEWS.
3. With WinVIEWS active in the Terminal Mode, start the Configuration sub-mode by typing “CFG” at the prompt.
At this point, either all the ID’s can be rewritten using the CUW command as before, or individual categories can
be changed as follows:
4. At the CFG > prompt use the CAT command with the following structure:
• CAT<space><category #><space><ID#><space><T or F>
• <category #> is the ICD Category to change (example 7)
• <ID#> is the new ID to change to (example 92)
• <T or F> is True or False for rebooting the EGPWC. Use “T” if only one category is to be changed and the
EGPWC will reboot following ENTER. Use “F” if another individual ID is to be changed by another CAT
CFG >CAT 7 92 T
5. After inputting the desired change information, pressing ENTER will transmit the data to the EGPWC to write to
the Configuration Module. If a reboot is commanded (T), then the EGPWC will reboot at the completion of the
write process. If a reboot is not commanded (F), then the message “Writing to configuration module…Category
7 ID updated successfully.” is given and the CFG > prompt is again displayed. At this point, the Configuration
Module has been changed, but the change will not be effective until the EGPWC is rebooted. Additional
changes can be made with the final change set to command the EGPWC reboot (or cycle EGPWC power to
6. Verification of the changes made is the same as before. As above, type “CFG” to restart the Configuration sub-
mode. At the CFG > prompt, type “CMR” <ENTER>. Each Category and its associated ID is read from the
Configuration Module and listed on the display. Alternately, when not in the Configuration sub-mode, the
command “PS” (Present Status) will display EGPWC and configuration data.
7. Configuration Module reprogramming is complete.