
Fire & Smoke Actuators
Honeywell’s complete line of two-position, fast-acting spring-
return actuators meet all of your needs for fire and smoke control
applications. All models are designed to meet the UL-555 and
UL-555S high temperature requirements for fire dampers and
combined fire and smoke dampers.
Safety First
As a life safety system component Honeywell is dedicated to
meeting the UL-555 and UL-555S requirements. The elevated
temperature test can be performed at the temperature ratings
of 250ºF or 350ºF. Honeywell only offers models at 350ºF to
meet UL-555 and UL-555S for fire and combined fire and smoke
applications to support the highest level of safety for building
Largest Torque Range in the Industry
Honeywell’s fire and smoke actuators are available in 30, 80 and
175 lb-in with the 175 lb-in being the highest torque commercial
fire and smoke actuator available on the market today.
Key Features and Benefits
• Integralspringreturnthatensurestheproperleveloftorque
• Patenteddesignthateliminatedlimitswitches,reducingpower
• Reliableserviceinsmokecontrolsystemsrequiring
Underwriter’s Laboratories Inc. UL-555 and UL-555S
• Robustdie-castaluminumhousingensures
• Fulllifeoftwo-positionspringreturnreandsmokeactuators
rated up to 350ºF for all critical applications
• Fastactingwithamaximumspringreturntimingof15seconds
• Noaudiblenoiseduringholding
Torque Voltage Spring Direction Description
Number of internal
Auxiliary Switch
Model Number
30 lb-in (3.4 Nm)
120 Vac
Fire and smoke, fast acting,
two position spring return, UL-555
and UL-555S ratings up to 350ºF
External* ML4115A1009
CW External* ML4115B1008
230 Vac
CCW External* ML4115C1007
CW External* ML4115D1006
24 Vac
CCW External* ML8115A1005
CW External* ML8115B1004
80 lb-in (9 Nm)
120 Vac
Fire and smoke, fast acting,
two position spring return, UL-555
and UL555S ratings up to 350ºF
External* MS4209F1007
CCW External* MS4309F1005
230 Vac
CW External* MS4709F1014
CCW External* MS4809F1012
24 Vac
CW External* MS8209F1003
CCW External* MS8309F1001
175 lb-in (20 Nm)
120 Vac
Reversible Design
Fire and smoke, fast acting,
two position spring return, UL-555 and
UL-555S ratings up to 350ºF
0 MS4120F1006
2 SPST MS4120F1204
230 Vac
0 MS4620F1005
2 SPST MS4620F1203
24 Vac
0 MS8120F1002
2 SPST MS8120F1200
Note: Honeywell's spring return fire and smoke actuators are designed to pass UL-555 and UL-555S 350ºF requirements. They are not designed for HVAC applications. UL-555
and UL-555S requires that all new construction fire and smoke damper jobs have the actuator assembled and tested at the damper manufacturer. A like for like retrofit replacement
or technically equal UL-555 and UL-555S approved device is recommended.