MS-9600LS Series Manual — P/N 52646:B2 2/12/2010 21
Optional Modules Product Description
N-ELR Mounting Plate
The N-ELR is a single End-of-Line resistor plate which is required for use in Canada. An ELR,
which is supplied with each module and fire alarm control panel, is mounted to the ELR plate.
Resistors mounted to the N-ELR plate can be used for the supervision of a monitor and control
module circuit.
1.7 Optional Modules
The FACP main circuit board includes option module connectors for the following modules:
4XTMF Transmitter Module
The 4XTMF provides a supervised output for local energy municipal box transmitter, alarm and
trouble reverse polarity. It includes a disable switch and disable trouble LED. A jumper on the
module is used to select an option which allows the reverse polarity circuit to open with a system
trouble condition if no alarm condition exists. The module plugs into connectors J10 and J11
which are located near the top left of the main circuit board. When the 4XTMF module is installed,
Jumper JP6, on the main circuit board, must be cut to allow supervision of the module.
SLC-2LS Expander Module
The SLC-2LS Expander Module allows expansion of the FACP from one SLC circuit to two SLC
circuits. The module plugs into connector J3 which is located in the lower right corner of the main
circuit board. The wiring for the second SLC connects to terminals located on the expander mod-
DACT-UD2 Digital Alarm Communicator/Transmitter
The DACT-UD2 is used to transmit system status to UL-listed Central Station receivers via the
public switched telephone network. All circuitry and connectors are contained on a compact mod-
ule which plugs into connector J2, which is located near the bottom center of the main circuit
The MS-9600UDLS/E is provided with a factory installed DACT-UD2. Refer to “DACT-UD2
Installation” on page 52 and to the DACT-UD2 manual, which is included with the FACP, for
DACT-UD2 wiring and programming information.
IPDACT - Internet Protocol DACT
The IPDACT is a compact, Internet Protocol Digital Alarm Communicator/Transmitter designed to
allow FACP status communication to a Central Station via the internet. No telephone lines are
required when using the IPDACT. Using Contact ID protocol from the FACP, the IPDACT con-
verts the standard DACT phone communication to a protocol that can be transmitted and received
via the internet. It also checks connectivity between the FACP and Central Station. Refer to the
IPDACT Product Installation Document P/N 53109 for additional information.
1.8 Accessories
1.8.1 PS-Tools Programming Utility
The PS-Tools Programming Utility can be used to locally or remotely program the FACP directly
from most IBM compatible computers (PC), running Windows™ XP or newer. FACP program
files can also be created and stored on the PC and then downloaded later to the control panel. The
P/N: PK-CD Kit includes the FACP Windows-based Programming Utility software on CD-ROM
with on-line help file. A standard USB cable with male-A to male-B connectors, which must be
purchased separately, is required by the MS-9600UDLS for local connection of the PC to the USB
port J4 on the DACT-UD2. The MS-9600LS requires connection to the Serial Port on FACP con-
nector TB7. Remote programming requires that the PC have a 2400 baud or faster modem.