
This covers all of the steps needed to get the PRO22EN Ethernet
Daughter board on-line and working. Programming of these units
will be outlined within this Installation Guide.
PRO22EN Programming
The PRO22EN will be programmed from a Command Prompt using
the ARP command. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), a TCP/IP
protocol used to convert an IP address into a physical address
(called a DLC address), such as an Ethernet Address. A host wish-
ing to obtain a physical address broadcasts an ARP request onto
the TCP/IP network. The host on the network that has the IP
address in the request then replies with its physical hardware
address (MAC address).
1. PRO22IC (Intelligent Controller)
2. PRO22EN (Ethernet Card and Mounting Kit)
3. A Networked Computer.
4. A Network Crossover cable to connect directly to the PRO-
2200 or a Network Connection that is on the same network
segment as the PRO-2200.
Special Note: When programming the Ethernet card verify that
you’re not initially going through a gateway or a
router. When programming is complete the unit can
be installed on a different network segment.
1. Prior to mounting the PRO22EN onto the PRO22IC verify the
MAC address on the back of the PRO22EN (Ethernet Card).
This address will be needed during programming of the card
with the correct IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway.
Example: MAC Address 00-20-4A-54-49-B7
MAC Address______________________________
Static IP Address___________________________
(Check with MIS\IT Department)
Subnet Mask _______________________________
(Check with MIS\IT Department)
Default Gateway_____________________________
(Check with MIS\IT Department)