30 EN1B-0198GE51 R0801
Using not-allowed IP-Addresses could cause
interference on the network.
Please contact your network administrator to
retrieve a unique IP-Address. In case you want to
connect the BNA to a customer network make
sure to get in touch with the customers IT
manager to retrieve this IP-Address information.
dc Download configuration
Definition of FTP server, path to
firmware and user account on FTP
server. This is necessary for loading the
application firmware into the BNA
load Load executable from FTP server
This command finally loads the
application firmware (executable) into
the BNA device. After successful
download, the application firmware is
moved into the Flash memory.
This is the minimum command sequence for setting
up a BNA device.
After that the application firmware can be invoked
by entering the command run or by pushing the
Reset button. When the Reset button is pushed, the
BNA Bootloader behaves as depicted in Figure 6-1
on Page 24.