Stratos 2400 Series
Honeywell’s Stratos
2400 5-sided, 360°-bioptic scanner/scale
increases productivity in demanding, high-volume seated environments
where shorter vertical towers are required, and poor quality and high-
density bar codes are prevalent. Independent scanning planes and
a modular design lower maintenance costs and ensure continuous
The Stratos 2400 series provides retailers with the ability to deploy a
single scanner platform across multiple store formats around the world,
including stores with 353 mm (13.9”), 399 mm (15.7”), and 508 mm
(20”) scanner footprints.
Aggressive scan performance on high density and poor quality bar
codes minimizes the need for manual keying. The 2400 also excels
at scanning GS1 DataBar™ codes, ensuring compliance with sunrise
Rapid pass-through scanning allows cashiers to maintain a constant
motion across a wide range of bar codes, leading to faster customer
processing, shorter lines, optimization of the number of open checkout
lanes, and lower labor and energy costs.
Unlike other bioptic devices, 2400 is the only one to offer pre-aligned
optical scanning modules, and independent scanning planes which
enable the scanner to maximize uptime and maintain productivity.
The Stratos 2400 maximizes return on investment with two analytical
tools for tracking, managing and improving checkout productivity and
efficiency. StratosSTATS
provides real-time visibility into key data
points directly impacting checkout productivity. StratosSCHOOL
captures information necessary to improve operator scanning
techniques and safety.
Bioptic Scanner/Scale
• 5-sided, 360°-Scanning: Improves productivity and
operator ergonomics by reducing product orientation
• StratosSYNC
Independent Scanning Planes:
productivity and uptime via independent
scanning planes
• StratosSCHOOL Operator Training Software: Improves
productivity and promotes safer scanning techniques
• StratosSWAP
Pre-Aligned Optical Scanning
Modules: Minimizes downtime and lowers the cost of
service via modular optical scan engines
• StratosSTATS Productivity Analytical Software:
Provides data critical to maintaining checkout
• Remote MasterMind
Scanner Management
Sofware: Offers a quick and convenient solution for IT
administrators seeking to manage all scanners within
their network from a single remote location
• Flip-Up Weigh Bar: Single or three-sided options allow
cashiers to accurately weigh oversized produce, reducing
shrink loss