80 UDC 3300 Process Controller Product Manual 4/00
4.2 Loop 1 Tuning Parameters Set Up Group
Tuning consists of establishing the appropriate values for the tuning
constants for a single loop controller. These parameters are also for Loop
1 of a 2-Loop or Cascade control configuration.
The Accutune feature automatically selects Gain, Rate, and Reset.
This section also contains Keyboard Lockout/Security selections.
Set this group last
Because this group contains functions that have to do with security and
lockout, we recommend that you configure this group last, after all the
other configuration data has been loaded.
Tuning group
Table 4-1 lists all the function prompts in the Tuning Set Up group and
their definitions.
Table 4-1 Tuning Group Prompt Definitions
Lower Display
Upper Display
Range of Setting
or Selection
0.1 to 9999 %
0.001 to 1000
PROPORTIONAL BAND (simplex) is the percent of the
range of the measured variable for which a proportional
controller will produce a 100 % change in its output.
GAIN is the ratio of output change (%) over the measured
variable change (%) that caused it.
G =
where PB is the proportional band (in %)
If the PB is 20 %, then the Gain is 5. And, at those
settings, a 3 % change in the error signal (SP-PV) will
result in a 15 % change in the controller’s output due to
proportional action. If the Gain is 2, then the PB is 50 %.
Also defined as "HEAT" Gain on Duplex models for
variations of Heat/Cool applications.
The selection of Proportional Band or Gain is made in the
CONTROL parameter group under prompt PBorGAIN.
Read Only LOOP 1 GAIN—This is the value being provided by Gain
Scheduling when enabled.
0.00 to 10.00 minutes
0.08 or less = OFF
RATE action, in minutes, affects the controller's output
whenever the deviation is changing; and affects it more
when the deviation is changing faster.
Also defined as "HEAT" Rate on Duplex models for
variations of Heat/Cool applications.