
Equipment Identification
Control Builder
8 UMC800 Controller Installation and User Guide Release F
Control Builder
All controller and operator interface configuration is performed using Control Builder software on a
separate PC operating with Windows
95 or Windows
NT 4.0. All configuration is performed off-line
(computer disconnected from the controller and operator interface). The configuration is downloaded in a
separate operation as a complete file through a dedicated RS-232 communication port on the controller.
Once a configuration is installed into the controller and operator interface, the Control Builder software
may be used to monitor areas of the configuration to verify proper operation. Controller configuration
development is performed using "Drag and Drop techniques for positioning graphic icons on a CRT
display from a list of available functions. See Figure 6. Signal flow connections from icon to icon complete
the controller configuration. The Control Builder software will create a graphic diagram 1 page high by 20
pages wide. The completed diagram may be printed on 20 pages of 8.5" x 11.5" paper. Each configuration
is saved as a single PC file. Multiple files may be saved on the PC. The Control Builder can concurrently
open multiple configuration files.
Figure 6 Typical Control Builder graphic display