AC Loss Report Code
Enter the appropriate report code. Timing of this report is random with up to a 4-hour delay. If AC
restores before the report goes out, there is no “AC RESTORE” report.
UL: Required for UL commercial burglar alarm installations and for residential fire alarm installations.
Low Bat Report Code
Enter the appropriate report code; sent when a low-battery condition exists in the system’s battery.
UL: Required for UL commercial burglar alarm installations and for residential fire alarm installations.
Test Report Code
Enter the appropriate report code, which is sent periodically to test that the communicator and phone
lines are operational. Frequency of report is set in Scheduling mode (event 11) or by the following key
installer code + [#] + 0 + 0 = test report sent every 24 hours
installer code + [#] + 0 + 1 = test report sent once per week
installer code + [#] + 0 + 2 = test report sent every 28 days
Each mode sets schedule 2 to the selected repeat option; first test report sent 12 hours after command.
NOTE: Make sure the Real-Time Clock is set to the proper time before entering the test report schedule
command to ensure that test reports are sent when expected. (see Setting the Real-Time Clock section).
UL: Required for UL commercial burglar alarm installations and for residential fire alarm installations.
Open Report Code
Enter the appropriate report code, which is sent upon disarming of the system.
UL: Required for UL commercial burglar alarm installations.
Arm Away/Stay Report Code
Enter appropriate report code. NOTE: “OPEN” reports not sent if associated closing report is not enabled.
RF Trans. Low Batt. Report Code
Enter the appropriate report code; sent when a wireless transmitter low-battery condition exists.
UL installations: must be enabled if wireless devices are used.
Cancel Report Code
Enter the appropriate report code; sent upon disarming of the system after an alarm was reported.
VISTA-10PSIA: Default = code enabled
Recent Closing Report VISTA-10PSIA only
Always enabled. Field does not apply to other controls.
Similar to the Exit Error condition described in field *59, but occurs if any burglary zone is faulted within two
minutes after the initial exit delay expires. Disarming the system within the two minutes stops the alarm
sound and displays " ALARM CANCELED " or "CA" and the faulted zone number. No message is sent to the
Central Monitoring Station.
If the system is not disarmed within two minutes, the alarm sound continues and a “recent closing” and a “zone
alarm” message are sent to the Central Monitoring Station (after dial delay expires).
Alarm Restore Report Code
Enter the appropriate report code; sent when an alarm zone is restored to its non-faulted condition.
UL: Required for UL commercial burglar alarm installations and for residential fire alarm installations.
Trouble Restore Report Code
Enter the appropriate report code, which is sent when a trouble in a zone is restored
UL: Required for UL commercial burglar alarm installations.
Bypass Restore Report Code
Enter the appropriate report code, which is sent when a zone that has been bypassed is unbypassed.
UL: Required for UL commercial burglar alarm installations.
AC Restore Report Code
Enter the appropriate report code; sent when AC power has been restored after an AC power outage.
UL: Required for UL commercial burglar alarm installations and for residential fire alarm installations
Low Bat Restore Report Code
Enter the appropriate report code; sent when a system low-battery condition is restored to normal.
UL: Required for UL commercial burglar alarm installations and for residential fire alarm installations.
RF Xmtr Low Batt. Restore Code
Enter the appropriate report code; sent when a trans. low battery is restored (new battery installed).
UL installations: must be enabled if wireless devices are used. Required for UL commercial burglar
alarm installations and required for residential fire alarm installations.