About Function Keys (*57 Menu Mode)
The system provides the ability to program each of the four keypad function keys to perform one of 12
system operations. The end user can then activate the function by simply pressing and holding the
programmed key for 2 seconds. Typical functions (listed below) include single-button arming, turning lights
on/off, or single-button paging.
To assign emergency key functions (function key option “00”), first program the respective emergency zone
number (95 for “A” key, 96 for “C” key, 99 for “B” key) with the desired zone type using *56 Zone
Programming mode, then use *57 Function Key menu mode to assign the desired key.
To use a function key to activate a relay action (*57 Menu mode key function 07), use *79 Menu mode to map
the output, and use *80 Menu mode to define the output’s action; select system operation type “66.”
To use a function key for a user macro, use *57 menu mode to activate the desired key, then define the
actual macro functions using the user code + [#] + [6] [6] command.
Programming Function Keys
1. Assign the function key number and partition.
2. Select the desired function for that key.
Start Function Key Programming mode by pressing
57 while in Data Programming mode.
Press Key to Pgm
0 = Quit 0
Function Key
Press the desired function key, A-D.
] to continue
0 = Exit this mode
Press the desired function key (A-D) you
want to program.
NOTE: A key programmed as a function
key is no longer available to be used as
an end-user macro key or panic key.
Partition Numbe
1 = partition 1; 2 = partition 2; 3 = common partition; [
] to continue
Enter the partition in which the function key is active.
Key "A" Func
Zone 95 00
† System defaults to
these function key
†† Macros 11-12 apply
to VISTA-20P only.
††† If Night-Stay zones
are listed in zone list 5.
Define Key Function
= For the Function key selected, the function will be as follows:
If A selected = Zone 95 (emergency key, same as [1] [
] pair)
If B selected = Zone 99 (emergency key, same as [
] [#] pair)
If C selected = Zone 96 (emergency key, same as [3] [#] pair)
If D selected = Single-button paging
01 = Single-button paging (sends a 999-9999 message to pager)
02 = Display time
03 = Arm AWAY (reports as User 00 if closing reports are enabled)
04 = Arm STAY (reports as User 00 if closing reports are enabled)
05 = Arm NIGHT-STAY (reports as User 00 if closing reports enabled)
06 = Step Arming (arms STAY, then NIGHT-STAY
, then AWAY)
07 = Output Device Command (for device programmed as system operation type 66–function
key in *80 Menu Mode)
08 = Communication Test (sends Contact ID code 601)
09 = Macro Key 1 (define macro by user code + [#] [6] [6] command)
10 = Macro Key 2 (define macro by user code + [#] [6] [6] command)
= Macro Key 3 (define macro by user code + [#] [6] [6] command)
= Macro Key 4 (define macro by user code + [#] [6] [6] command)
] to continue
Enter the desired function for this key, 00 to 12, from the options listed. (00 selected for
example display shown at left). Press [∗] to returns to key number prompt with the next
function key letter displayed.
Menu Mode Programming