Never usea spray cleaner toclean the door panel forit coulddamage the door lock and electrical components. It is not allowed
to use the abrasive agentorsome paper towel becauseof therisk of scratching or leaving spotson the stainless steel surface.
To cleanthe edge around the door,you should use only a soft warm, damp rag. Toprevent
penetration of waterinto the door lock andelectrical components, do not use a spray cleaner
Also, never use abrasive cleaners or scouring pads onthe outer surfaces because they will
scratchthe finish.Some papers towels can also scratch orleave marks on thesurface.
Something will occasionallymove into the filters andthe drain pump.If this occurs, the drain
pumps employed inyour dishwashersare designedto automatically reverse, ejecting the
item backinto the sumpareaor downthe drain. If you have toremove an obstaclefrom the
drain pump,beforeyou remove the filters,youshould turn offthepower; Thenremovethe
small black insert from the sumparea. (You might want to remove any standingwaterfirst).
Scoop out the item that isprobably inthe sumparea and causes the obstruction. Remember
toreplacethe blackinsert before you put the filtersback in.
After everywash, turnoff the watersupplyto the
applianceandleave the doorslightly ajar so that
moisture andodors arenot trapped inside.
Before cleaning or performing maintenance, always
removethe plug fromthe socket.Do not runrisks.
To cleanthe exterior and rubber parts of the dishwasher,
do not use solvents orabrasivecleaning products.
Rather, use only a cloth and warm soapy water.
interior,use acloth dampened withwateranda little
white vinegar, or acleaning productmade specifically
for dishwashers.
When you go on holiday, it is recommened that you run a
wash cycle with the dishwasher empty and then remove
the plugfromthe socket, turn off thewater supply and
leave thedoor of the appliance slightly ajar. This will help
the sealslast longer and preventodors from forming
If theappliance mustbemoved, trytokeep itinthevertical
position.If absolutely necessary, it can be positioned on
its back.
Oneofthe factorsthatcauseodorstoformin the
Periodic cleaningwitha damp spongewillprevent this
from occurring.
Fusedelectrical supply is required-copperwireonly.Time delayfuse orcircuit breaker recommended and provide separate
circuit servingonly thisappliance.Outlet shouldbe placed in adjacent cabinet.
After making surethatthe voltage andthe frequency values for the current in the homecorrespond tothose
onthe ratingplate and that the electrical system is sized tor themaximumvoltage on therating plate, insert
the plug into an electricalsocket which isearthed properly. If theelectrical socket to which the appliance
must beconnected is notappropriate tor the plug, replace the socket, installed byqualifiedelectrician,rather
thenusing an adaptors.
Make sure that the plug on the appliance remains accessible after installation.
Never usea spray cleaner toclean the door panel forit coulddamage the door lock and electrical components. It is not allowed
to use the abrasive agentorsome paper towel becauseof therisk of scratching or leaving spotson the stainless steel surface.
To cleanthe edge around the door,you should use only a soft warm, damp rag. Toprevent
penetration of waterinto the door lock andelectrical components, do not use a spray cleaner
Also, never use abrasive cleaners or scouring pads onthe outer surfaces because they will
scratchthe finish.Some papers towels can also scratch orleave marks on thesurface.
Something will occasionallymove into the filters andthe drain pump.If this occurs, the drain
pumps employed inyour dishwashersare designedto automatically reverse, ejecting the
item backinto the sumpareaor downthe drain. If you have toremove an obstaclefrom the
drain pump,beforeyou remove the filters,youshould turn offthepower; Thenremovethe
small black insert from the sumparea. (You might want to remove any standingwaterfirst).
Scoop out the item that isprobably inthe sumparea and causes the obstruction. Remember
toreplacethe blackinsert before you put the filtersback in.
After everywash, turnoff the watersupplyto the
applianceandleave the doorslightly ajar so that
moisture andodorsarenot trapped inside.
Before cleaning or performing maintenance, always
removethe plug fromthe socket.Do not runrisks.
To cleanthe exterior and rubber parts of the dishwasher,
do not use solvents orabrasivecleaning products.
Rather, use only a cloth and warm soapy water.
interior,use acloth dampened withwateranda little
white vinegar, or acleaning productmade specifically
for dishwashers.
When you go on holiday, it is recommened that you run a
wash cycle with the dishwasher empty and then remove
the plugfromthe socket, turn off thewater supply and
leave thedoor of the appliance slightly ajar. This will help
the sealslast longer and preventodors from forming
If theappliance mustbemoved, trytokeep itinthevertical
position.If absolutely necessary, it can be positioned on
its back.
Oneofthe factorsthatcauseodorstoformin the
Periodic cleaningwitha damp spongewillprevent this
from occurring.
Fusedelectrical supply is required-copperwireonly.Time delayfuse orcircuit breaker recommended and provide separate
circuit servingonly thisappliance.Outlet shouldbe placed in adjacent cabinet.
After making surethatthe voltage andthe frequency values for the current in the homecorrespond tothose
onthe ratingplate and that the electrical system is sized tor themaximumvoltage on therating plate, insert
the plug into an electricalsocket which isearthed properly. If theelectrical socket to which the appliance
must beconnected is notappropriate tor the plug, replace the socket, installed byqualifiedelectrician,rather
thenusing an adaptors.
Make sure that the plug on the appliance remains accessible after installation.