
Energy-SavingTips. . . . . . .!nside
Front C%IVEW
important Cautions. . . . . . . . . . ..1
HOWto Cmwwct Electricity. . ...2
\nstaliation Requirements. . . ...2
How to Adjust
~C?h3’S. . +. . ...-.2
How to Adjust Leveiing Legs. . ..2
i-low to Set Temperature
Controls. , . . . . . . ..- . . . . . . . . ..~
HOWto Use Energy-Saver
switch . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~
Food Storage Suggestions. . ...4
Sh6ives and Storage Drawers... 5
ice Service . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . ...5
User Maintenance
lnstructkms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...6
Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Probiem Soiver . . . . . . . . . . ...7.8
Speciai Services .. . . . . . . ..lnsEde
Warranty. . . . . . . . .-. .BackCover
Read thisbookCareftlily.
it is designed to heip you operate
and maintain your new refrigerator
Keep it handy for answersto your
if you don’t understand something
or need more heip...
Caii, toii-free:
The GE Answer Center~M
consumer information service
or write (inciude your phone
Consumer Affairs
A~~iiance Park
Louisviiie, KY40225
writeCkn4Vnthe model and
You’ii find them on a Iabei at the
bottom, just inside the fresh food
compartment door.
These numbers are aiso on the
Consumer Product Ownership
Registration card that came with
your refrigerator. Before sending
in this card, piease write these
numbers here:
Model Number–
Serial Number
Use these numbers in any
correspondence or service caiis
concerning your refrigerator.
Hyou wxxived a damaged
refrigerator, immediateiy contact
the deaier (or buiider) that soid you
the refrigerator.
Savetime and money.
Before you caI!for service, check _
the Probiem Solver on pages 7 an
8. it iists minor causes of operatin
operating probiems that you can
correct yourseif. it couid save you
an unnecessary service call.
= Location of your refrigerator is
impcwtant.Avoid locating it next to
your range, a heating vent or where
sun will shine directly on it.
B Don’t open doors more often
than necessary
~YClose the doors as soon as
possibie, particularly in
170t, humid
o ;Qep Energy Saver Swkh in tbie
left position unless moisture forms
H7~ outside of the refrigerator.
@EMsure the doors are closed
tightly Before leaving the house or
retiring for the night, check to be
sure doors haven’t been left ajar
QStore only those foods requiring
refrigeration in your refrigerator.
o Allow hot foods to cool (until
iO the touch) before piacing
them in your refrigerator.
DVVipea!\ moisture ‘from bottles
ard cartons before putting ihem in
W refrigerator.
@Keep ail foods covered to
reduce moisture Wiid-up inside
the refrigerator.
o If you turn ccmtrois to coidest
position forquick chilling or freez-
ing, be sure to turn them back to
reguiar settings.