Torelease ice cubes, inverttray,
holdit overstoragebucket (on
modelsso equipped) or bowl,
and twisttray at both ends.
E’oronly one or two ice cubes,
leavethe tray right-side up, twist
bothends slightly and remove
desired number of cubes.
Accessory Kit
The optionalautomaticicemaker
will replacethe iceyouuse.. .
automatically.It can keepyou
suppliedwith a binfulof cubes—
ice for everything,everybody—
withoutfuss or muss.
If your refrigeratordid not come
already equippedwith an automatic
icemaker,you mayadd one—”
contactyour localHotpointdealer;
speci& UK-KIT-1or UK-KIT-2.A
water supplykit containingcopper
tubing, shut-offvalve,fittingsand
instructionsneeded to connectthe
icemaker to yourcold waterline is
also availableat extracost.
Theperfectcompanion to
yumr automaticiamdaw--
QWha Kken
Youricecubes can only
be as fresh-tastingas the
waterthat produces
them. That’swhy it’sa
good ideato purifyyour
waterwith a Quadra
Kleen WaterFilter.
Its activatedcharcoal
odors and unpleasant
medicinal, metallic
tastes. A porous fiber
cartridge catchesdirt,
rust particles, sandand
silt while special
crystalsreduce deposits
of hard scale.
The water filter isan optionat
extra cost and is availablefrom
your Hotpoint dealer. Specify
WR97X214.It has complete
installsin minuteson 1/4”O.D.
copper water line.
Washtraysand storage bucket in
Iukewarmwater only. Do notput
them in an automatic dishwasher.