Ike service
n modelssoequipped)
ur icemaker willproduce eight
bes per cycle–approximately
100cubesin a24-hour period,
dependingon freezercompartment
temperature,room temperature,
numberof door openingsand other
If yourrefrigeratoris operated
beforewaterconnection k made
to the
icemaker, keep the icemaker
feelerarm in the OFF (up)position
as shownbelow.
Feeler Arm in
OFF position
Ice Storage Bin
when !refE’@!ratorhas been
mmeded towatersqqdy, move
the feeler arm to the ON (down)
Feeler Arm in
ON position
Ice cube moldwill automatically
fill withwaterafler coolingto
freezingtemperature, and first
cubesnormally freezeafier several
hours. When cubesare solidly
frozen, theywill be ejectedfrom
the moldinto the icestoragebin by
meansofa sweeperarm. Icemaking
will continueuntilthe feeler arm
sensesa sufficientaccumulationof
ice cubesin the storagebin and
haltsthe operationtemporarily.
maximum ice storage,levelthe
stored cubeswith yourhand
occasionally.Be sure nothing
interfereswith the swingofthe
feeler arm.
The icemaker ejectscubes in
groups ofeight and it is normal
severalcubes to bejoined together.
Once your kemaker is in
operation, throwawaythe first
few batches of ice cubes. This will
flush awayany impuritiesin the
water line. Do the same thingafter
vacationsor extendedperiods when
ice isn’tused.
unusual discokxh&m is -
apparently due to a comb,inatkm.
of factors such as certain ‘
characteristics of local waters,
household plurnbin~and the
accumulation.of copper saltsin
imitmctivewater supply line ,
which feeds the icemak+ ,
Continued &msm2zptiQnof such ~
discolored ice cubes may be
kj!.lrklus to health. If such
discoloration is observed, ~
dka.rd the ice cubes and contact
your HotpGiRtFactory servics
Q=@erOran a@b~ri~ed
f&tomer Care(Dservkur.
Movekemaker feelerarmto
OFF (up) positionwhen:
@homewater supplyisto be offfor
~ice storagebin isto be removed
for a periodof time.
~goingawayon vacation,at which
timeyou shouldalsoturn offthe
valvein the watersupplylineto
E ice is used infrequently,old
cubeswill becomecloudyandtaste
stale. Empty ice storagebin
periodicallyand washit in
When a I!argesuppiyof ice wilibe
needed, make an extrasupply
ahead oftime. Emptybin, putcubes
in plasticbagsor containersand
storein the freezer compartment
untilthe bin refills.
H this is yourfirst kemaker,
you’llhear occasionalsoundsthat
maybe unfamiliar.Theyare normal
icemaking soundsand are not
(continued nexfpizge)
Pall No. 46mlPo6