78 Organizing Phone Information
5.2 T-Mobile myFaves
T-Mobile® myFaves® helps you stay connected to the people who matter most in
your life. Simply choose any five U.S. phone numbers you call most often, on any
network, and have them displayed on your phone’s main screen.
For more information about the benefits of using T-Mobile myFaves and how to
subscribe to this service, visit http://www.t-mobile.com.
T-Mobile myFaves on the Home screen
Once you activate your subscription to T-Mobile
myFaves service, the myFaves panel will be
displayed on your phone’s Home screen. You
can add and call myFaves contacts by simply
selecting the circles in this panel. When adding
a myFaves contact, you can associate the
contact with a preset icon or the actual contact
Note A notification icon appears on the myFaves
contact if there is a new message and/or
missed call from the contact.
Notification icons
Scroll right or left to select a myFaves contact and then press the TRACKBALL to
add, call, edit, or view a myFaves contact.
Adding myFaves contacts
To add myFaves contacts, you can create new contacts or add existing contacts
from your phone or SIM card.
1. Select an unassigned circle on the myFaves panel, and then choose whether
to create a new myFaves contact or select a stored contact.
Note If you select Create New, you need to fill in the Name and Number.