146 2I. Bluetooth
Ⅲ Music track. With the track displayed on the Now
playing screen, press , and then tap
Share > Bluetooth.
Ⅲ Voice recording. On the main Voice Recorder
screen, tap the Share button , and then tap
4. If you are prompted to turn on Bluetooth, tap Yes.
5. Tap the name of the receiving device.
6. If prompted, accept the connection on the
receiving device, and enter the same passcode on
both your device and the other device, or confirm
the auto-generated passcode.
7. On the receiving device, accept the file.
The location where the information is saved
depends on the type of information and the
receiving device:
Ⅲ If you send a calendar event or contact, it is
normally added directly to the corresponding
application on the receiving device. For example,
if you send a calendar event to a compatible
phone, the event is shown in that phone’s
calendar application.
Ⅲ If you send another file type to a Windows
computer, it is normally saved in the Bluetooth
Exchange folder within your personal document
● On Windows XP, the path may be:
C:\Documents and Settings\[your username]\
My Documents\Bluetooth Exchange.
● On Windows Vista, the path may be:
C:\Users\[your username]\Documents.
Ⅲ If you send a file to another device, the saved
location may depend on the file type. For
example, if you send an image file to another
wireless phone, it may be saved in a folder
named “Images.”