Working with Company E-mails and Meeting Appointments 127
To reply to a meeting request
1. When there’s an incoming e-mail with a meeting request, a
notification message will be displayed on your phone’s Home screen.
Scroll to Outlook e-mail and select it.
2. In the Outlook message list, select the e-mail to open it.
3. Select Accept to reply and accept the meeting request, or select
Menu > Decline if you cannot attend the meeting.
• Before responding, you can check your availability during the time of
the requested meeting by selecting View your calendar
• If the time of the meeting conflicts with your other appointments, a
“Scheduling Conflict” status appears on top of the e-mail.
3. Choose whether or not to edit the response e-mail before sending
and then select
4. If you accepted the meeting request, it will automatically be added as
an appointment in Calendar on your phone.
To view the list of meeting participants
1. Select Start > Calendar.
2. Open a meeting request that you previously sent, then select
Attendees. The list of required and optional attendees will be listed.