
- SIM contacts to phone 83
- sound le to phone 65
Currency setting 64
Customize Home screen 63
Date setting 64
Device lock 73
Dial-up connection 122
Digitally sign messages 116
Digital Rights Management (DRM) 166
Digital signature 116
Direct Push 109
- download complete e-mail 103
- satellite data 150
- synchronize e-mail 104
E-mail 102
- security 115
- synchronize 104
EDGE 122
Emergency call 52
Encrypt messages 116
Enter text and numbers 41
Error reporting 67
Event notification 64
Exchange Server 108
Camera advanced settings 159
Capture formats 155
Capture modes 154
Check battery power 45
Check device information 67
Close running programs 71
Comm Manager 119
Company Directory 114
Compose multimedia message (MMS) 94
Compose text message 90
Conference call 51
Confirmation time out 66
Connect phone to Internet
- 3G/GPRS/EDGE 122
- Dial-up 122
- Wi-Fi 120
Connect phone to private network 122
Connect to Wi-Fi network 120
Contacts 75
- beam contact information 77
- call a contact 76
- create a new contact 75
- nd a contact 76
- send contact information in multime-
dia message 77
- send contact information via a text
message 77
- view and edit a contact 76
Contacts picture (capture mode) 154
- contacts to SIM/USIM card 83
- media les from PC to phone 167