HTC confidential
© 2001, HTC Corporation. All rights reserved. TOTAL 77 CONT.ON. 41 PAGE NO. 40
B. Battery Performance on unit with Run Down Program
B1. Requirement:
-PC with Windows 2000.
-USB cable
-ActiveSync 3.7
-Run Down Test Program from HTC
B2. Procedure:
-Establish The connection between your PC and PDA phone.
-Copy Run Down software to your PDA phone (My Document)
-It is required to turn off Bluetooth setting manually before executing the Run down.
-Execute Run Down and choose 1 hr , the program will stop automatically after one hour.
-After one hour, find the Power cap.txt file on FILE Explorer >My device> Power cap to check
battery capacity after running one hour.
Notes: The result on Power cap will be re-write to new one once you execute the Run down again.
-Criteria : The battery capacity should be above 50 % after running Run down.
Criteria on running Run Down Test Program
Battery capacity after Run down one hour
Capacity 50 %