
Using Other Applications | 165
File menu
New Archive. Creates a new archive file with a .zip file
Find Archive. Locates an archive file.
Close Archive. Closes an archive file.
Rename Archive. Lets you rename an archive file.
Delete Archive. Removes an archive file.
Archive Properties. Displays information about the current
archive file.
Integrity Test. Checks the selected file for data correctness
and reliability.
Refresh. Lets you refresh the content of the current archive
Recent. Displays a list of recently opened archive files,
including the current file.
Action menu
Add. Lets you add files to the archive.
Extract. Lets you extract files from the archive to the folder of
your choice.
Delete. Removes files from the archive.
Send via E-mail. Lets you send the archive file via e-mail.
Send via Infrared. Lets you send the archive file via infrared.
View. Lets you view a file from the archive file.
Multi-Select Mode. Lets you select multiple files in the
archive file.
Select All. Selects all files in the archive file.
Select None. Clears all selected files in the archive file.
Select Invert. Selects in reverse from the archive file.