
244 Using Other Applications
To set notifications
If you are using Auto Update to update your channels, you can also have
RSS Hub notify you when new headlines arrive.
In the Channel List screen, tap Menu >
Options > Notify tab.
Select from the following options:
No notifications. Notifications are disabled.
Notify when new items are received.
this option to be notified when new items are
being received for a channel.
Notify when items matching keywords are
received. Choose this choose this option to be
notified only when new items are received and
at least one of the new items matches one of
your keywords.
To customize RSS Hub notifications
Tap Start > Settings > Sounds & Notifications > Notifications tab and
select RSS Hub: New Items Received from the Event drop down list.
You can then choose if want to play a sound,
which sound to play, if you want a message
displayed and if you want a light to be flashed
(or perhaps other options, such as vibrate).
Note The notification will occur only if RSS Hub
is not currently showing on your device
screen when new items are received.