18 Quick Start Guide
2. Click Media message.
In To, enter the recipient’s phone number or e-mail address.
In Subject, enter a subject for your message.
Fill in the MMS message components by clicking Insert
Picture/Video, Insert Text, and Insert Audio.
Click Send.
14. Setting Up Wi-Fi
Connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot to browse the Internet.
To connect to an open Wi-Fi network
On the Home screen, click Start > All Programs >
Accessories > Comm Manager and click the Wi-Fi icon.
The button on this item is then highlighted to indicate that
WLAN is turned on.
After a few seconds, a message asks you if you want to see
the list of available networks, click Yes.
In Select network, choose an open (unsecured) WLAN
network to connect to and then click Connect.
To learn how to connect to a secured network, please refer to
Chapter 8 of the User Manual PDF.