Doc. No. DOC-00044120 REV.
Issued Date 2008/07/17
Revised Date 2009/01/15
Doc. Title
Converse Service Manual
Page 56 of 78
HTC Corporation.
2. Press Power button to turn on the
3. In “main page”, Check phone status,
Click “Turn on Airplane mode”
Set the unit to :
* Airplane mode
* Make sure all RF function is off (phone,
BT, Wifi..)
Idle current test
4. Measure Idle mode current. Idle current
value must under 220mA, if over the
criteria, it means M/B failed, please
replace M/B for repair. (condition : Display on / BL
default / KB LED off / GSM standby / WiFi off / BT off)
Sleep current test
5. After idle current checked, Switch OFF
the unit. Unit is turn off and no display.
sleep current value must under 20mA, if
over the criteria, it means M/B failed,
please replace M/B for repair.
If current consumption is passed at both of idle and sleep mode, it means M/B is
GOOD. If there is any item FAILED at idle or sleep mode, it means M/B is failed,
please replace M/B for repair.