
166 Using Other Applications
10.1 Microsoft® Office Mobile
Microsoft® Office Mobile consists of three applications that let you view
and edit Microsoft documents. These three applications are:
Microsoft® Office Word Mobile lets you view and edit Microsoft
Word documents and text files.
Microsoft® Office Excel® Mobile lets you view and edit Microsoft
Excel worksheets.
Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® Mobile lets you view Microsoft
PowerPoint slides.
To learn how to copy files, see “Managing and Backing Up Files” in
Chapter 4.
10.2 Microsoft® Office Word Mobile
Microsoft® Office Word Mobile gives you editing and viewing capabilities for
your Word documents and text files.
To open Word Mobile
On the Home screen, click Start > Office Mobile > Word Mobile.
Note Word Mobile does not fully support some features of Microsoft Word. Some
data and formatting may be lost when you save the document on your
View documents
To open a document
1. In Word Mobile, click Menu and choose the location where the *.doc,
*.rtf, or *.txt file is saved.
2. Locate the file you want to open and click Select.
Note You can only open one document at a time. You must close the opened
document first before you can open another document.