Search and Web browser
Searching HTC One X+ and the Web
You can search for information on HTC One X+ and on the Web by using Google
Search. Start your search by entering a keyword or by using Google Voice Search
Some apps, such as Contacts or Mail, have their own search function, which you
can use to search only within those apps.
Performing searches on the Web and HTC One X+
1. From the Home screen, tap .
2. In the search box, enter what you want to search for. As you type, matching
items on HTC One X+ and suggestions from Google web search are shown.
3. If what you’re searching for is in the list of suggestions, tap the item to open it in
its compatible app.
Searching the Web with your voice
Use Google Voice Search to find information on the Web just by speaking to
HTC One X+.
1. From the Home screen, tap > Voice Search.
If the Google search bar is available on the Home screen, you can also tap
2. Say what you want to search for. After speaking, matching items from Google
web search are shown.
3. If what you’re searching for is in the list, tap the item to open it in its compatible
app. Otherwise, tap Retry to search again.
Setting search options
1. From the Home screen, tap .
2. Press to hide the keyboard, and then tap > Settings to set the following
§ Voice. Set the Google Voice Search language, speech output, and more.
§ Phone search. Select the apps on HTC One X+ which you want included
when doing a search.
§ Privacy & accounts. Manage your location history, enable recent web
searches to show, or clear your search history.
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