SSID Broadcast: Enable or disable the SSID broadcast.
y Enabled: The E960 broadcasts the SSID of the WLAN, and users can easily access the
WLAN. Unauthorized users, however, can also easily access the WLAN because the
SSID is broadcasted.
y Disabled: The E960 does not broadcast the SSID of the WLAN. Before accessing the
WLAN, the user must obtain the SSID of the WLAN. Thus, the WLAN security is
For the convenience of the client accessing the WLAN, you can select Enabled for
SSID Broadcast when you configure the WLAN setting. Once you finish setting
up the WLAN, you can disable the SSID broadcast to improve the security of the
Configuring the WLAN Encryption Mode
To access the wireless network, you must set the wireless security key of your PC be
consistent with that of the wireless gateway.
No Encryption
For the convenience of the client accessing the WLAN, you can set the Encryption mode
to NO ENCRYPTION when you set up a WLAN. In daily use, however, this option is not
recommended for the security of the WLAN.
y WPA-PSK is a 256-bit data encryption method that can automatically change the key.
y WPA2-PSK is a more secure version of WPA-PSK, and it supports the IEEE 802.11
y WPA Encryption is algorithms for selecting the WPA data encryption. There are three
algorithms: TKIP, AES, and TKIP+AES.
y WPA Pre-Shared Key: You can enter 64-character hexadecimal value or 8–63-character
ASCII value as the key. The ASCII value contains all characters that can be entered
through the PC keyboard, and the hexadecimal value contains numbers of 0–9 and
characters of A–F. For example, you can enter the ASCII value of 1234abcde as the key.
y Network Key Rotation Interval: It is used to set how long a network key is
dynamically changed. By default, it is 0. To disable this function, you can set the value to
0 or Null.
Wireless Equivalent Privacy, a 64-bit or 128-bit data encryption method. The 128-bit WEP
encryption provides higher security level.
Network key 1: You can enter 5 ASCII characters or 10-character hexadecimal numeral to
form a 64-bit key. You can also enter 13 ASCII characters or 26-character hexadecimal
numeral to form a 128-bit key.