HUAWEI ME909u-521 LTE LGA Module
Application Guide
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Before the results ofAT+COPS
is returned, enter any characters
(such as"AT"), the module will
terminate the processing of
AT+COPS and returnOK. The
entered characters are used to
abort the command only .
Some commands can be executed when SIM card is inserted. It would return to SIM
failure if SIM card is not inserted. For more information, see Property Description of
related AT in HUAWEI ME909u-521 LTE LGA Module AT Command Interface Specification.
+CME ERROR: SIM failure
SIM failure indicate that SIM card is not inserted.
1.3.3 Recommended Timeout Mechanism for AT Commands
Processed by a Host
A module processes AT commands in series. Do not send another AT command
before the result for the current command is returned or the current command times
out (except when the current command is an abortive AT command). The following
table lists AT command timeout durations (starting from the time when an AT
command arrives at a port).
Table 1-1 AT command timeout duration
AT+CMSS/AT+CMGS (used to send text
AT+COPS=? (used to search for networks)
After an AT command times out, it is recommended that the host check whether the
module is functioning normally. The following procedure is provided for your
1. The host sends AT to the module.