Pub. 42004-693L2C
Model 69320-101 Voice Network Adapter Page: 7 of 15
\\s_eng\gtcproddocs\standard ioms - current release\42004 instr. manuals\42004-693l2c.doc
Set the T1 Synchronous switch according to the following table:
The VNA is frequency locked to the received T1 signal. This setting is ignored if the VNA is
both a ST-Bus Clock Slave and a T1 Clock Slave.
The VNA is not frequency locked to the received T1 signal. “Elastic store” buffers in the T1
transceiver integrated circuit either duplicate or drop a frame as needed.
Set the E1 Select switch according to the following table:
The VNA uses T1 signaling.
The VNA uses E1 signaling. NOTE: Upon initial release of the VNA, this feature does not
function properly.
The Sample Rate Select switch configures the VNA’s codec’s sampling rate. The VNA’s codec can run at
either 8,000 samples per second (8 kHz), or 16,000 samples per second (16 kHz). The VNA accepts and
generates 69266-001 T1 Interface wide bandwidth page audio regardless of the setting of this switch. Set
the Sampling Rate Select switch according to the following table:
The VNA’s codec uses 8 kHz sampling. Always use this setting if wide bandwidth paging is
disabled. This setting is recommended.
The VNA’s codec uses 16 kHz sampling.
Set the Reserved switches according to the following table:
Use this setting to help insure future compatibility.
Do not use this setting. Using this setting may increase the risk of unexpected behavior when
upgrading the VNA.